Divisive enough for you?

It should be clear to everyone that I am political. That I engage people on issues and talk about the news of the day.

So, what is the news of the day?
Well, I voted. In fact, I voted early and received confirmation that my signature matched, which means my vote will be processed.

If nothing else the orange shitgibbon has inspired a new generation to vote, if the early numbers are to be believed. I just hope it takes and that cancer is cut out. Of course if his puppet master McConnell is not ousted it may go as poorly and if Barr and everyone involved in his presidency is not put on charges it will be an indication that we as a country allow this trash to happen.

So, that’s the state of things. Go vote. Clear Republican bastions are swaying. Punch drunk. Keep hitting till they go down. If you can vote and don’t, then you have only yourself to blame for whatever policies impact you and your families.

The snuffed candle misses the wick

Its always hard to be creatures stuck in amber at the moments of contention
To be
When the world doesn’t know what it is
Leaving us fighting for a world we think it should be
And becoming so so tired

It’s these pivot moments which wear us away
Snapped joint cartilage
Trying to keep it together
Long enough to heal

Harder now when we are not well
Where there is no certainty to hold close
And all cries out for terrible change
And the spinning wheel

We all bump the table, hoping the result will last just a little longer
We burned out matches
Flames dead
Still trying to get the spark
And light the brushfire

Tongue tied and dog eared

Down on my luck
All out of fucks
Just want to be near
Not wonder at fear
But I’m lost in the muck
This dire deeds struck
Wanting solutions
When all you have are vacations
As if those few days
Can compensate for the daze
Of holding out hope
In this country of nope
Just watch it all crumble
Wishing I wasn’t lost in the rubble
We’re in all kinds of trouble
And what do we have but the rumble
A last chance to be free
Just wanted to be happy

Between Sunday and Monday

I feel as if we are in that twilight time between life and death
A hung moon and night’s waning
That gray time in dark of night
When you are simultaneously aware of the coming sun and unsure that you will make it alive till then
Because this ends
One way or another
In hope, soon
Though long held pessimism says likely not
And we will plunge into deeper night
But even that will end
There is a hopeful fatalism in endings
At every end there is a moment of doubt
Right before something new begins
If darkness should fall
That’s just one ending
And what begins now is a choice we make together
As it ever was

Toothache Twilight

Sometimes can’t help but think
These circular thoughts
Swirl and rebound
Each feeds each other
Grow tired
Slow and stop
Traverse of high to low
Normal to be this exhausted?
Firm softness
Bed and pillow
Semi darkness sirens call
Always this background hum
Feeling the approaching wave
Too late to stop it
And the sudden realization
The surfacing of the thought winner
The chum frenzy
Oh, right
That explains it
That behavior switch
That old liar
Wish you’d stayed away