Annual state of progress

We delude ourselves.
We delude ourselves into believing that there is something there when there is no evidence of it. We do this because it’s something we need.

Lately, I’ve been asking the question. Why do I keep falling so deeply into love in these relationships where distance or emotional availability is primarily a problem?

Distance itself makes it hard. Distance means there is no pheromonal interaction. There is no opportunity for oxytocin bonding. Instead, only words, intellect, and small acts are available. And while that may work for a time, it never works long-term.

Put another way, you can’t kiss a video call or make love to a voice. You can only paint the picture and while that can sustain for a time, eventually you need to be in the same room.

I can read more from 5 minutes with someone from body language and tone of voice than I can from a hundred missives.

On the other side, I have intense emotional relationships who, through circumstances or nature are emotionally unavailable to take that next step.
In many ways, those are worse.

Long distance is a dream that I am well aware of the hazards of. But here and still distant?

My heart and mind can’t seem to let go in those instances.

So why do I keep falling for people who can’t or won’t love me. Either because of distance or other factors? Why do I pick people who I can’t have?

Perhaps, I feel like I am unworthy of love, having failed to protect Morgan. Perhaps, if I’m with someone who is a hundred percent in it with me, my imposter syndrome kicks in and I feel like I’m going to fail and let down the person I love and doing so is anathema. And as such it puts such enormous pressure on, that no relationship could withstand it.

I don’t know. That’s where I am in my headspace now. Trying to understand my choices. Because, I can’t change the minds of those I still love but who’ve moved on without me. But I can change my future choices.

2 thoughts on “Annual state of progress

  1. Scarlet A. Rhiannon May 27, 2018 / 4:06 am

    Do we really choose who we fall in love with? Or is it that we only choose who we continue loving after the initial fall? Or is love a choice but infatuation comes swift and hard and leaves us just as fast?

    I appreciate your blog today.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Pelgris May 27, 2018 / 1:04 pm

      I can fall a little in love and hold it there. It takes effort but I can. When I fall full blown I am not in control of it.

      I think being open to love is our choice but falling itself isn’t. I don’t know about infatuation. I always seem to fall in love, at least a bit.


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